Welcome to Issue 37!

Welcome to the June 2015 issue of the IH Journal! Earlier in the year we conducted a poll of IH Journal users and asked you what you would like to see more of in the IH Journal. Thank you to everyone who took part, your input was very useful and we have taken it account when preparing this edition.  There was the demand we’d expect for articles on Technology, Educational Management and Teacher Training as well as some less expected requests. In this edition we have tried to cater for all these interests!

Interestingly, teaching Young Leaners and Very Young Learners was a topic that people were particularly keen to see more articles on. The Young Learner market has experienced real growth in many IH school locations recently and this was reflected in the record attendance we had at the IH Young Learner Conference hosted by IH Torres Vedras in March. Excellent Young Learner teaching and the highest standards in Young Learner welfare and safety is an area International House feels passionate about so expect to see more on this from us in the coming months.

Another type of article that people told us they particularly enjoy is when people write about teaching in a specific country or cultural context. In this edition we have an article from Uruguay and we hope to have further articles from our colleagues around the work for future editions.

There are several articles from ELT professionals about how they use technology to enhance their day to day working practices. The adoption of technology in ELT classroom has been the focus of much discussion in recent years with some concerned that often schools are feeling under pressure to invest in new technology without really knowing how to use it to enhance student learning. It is good therefore to see some examples of technology use really facilitating the user and enabling them to achieve something they couldn’t without it.

As mentioned in the previous issue, International House is a network of language schools that teachers many languages (we estimate 27) not just English. In this edition we have articles in French and Russian written by two of our IH Language Advisors so please do encourage your French or Russian colleagues to take a look.

On a final note, we are pleased to announce that we have appointed a new editor for the next issue of the IH Journal. Chris Ozog is a CELTA and Delta trainer who has worked for several IH schools in the network and we are delighted he is taking on the Editor role. Chris will be in touch soon with a call for articles for the next IH Journal edition that will be published in October 2015.

Happy reading!

IH Journal Team