7 Health Benefits of Walking

Walking instead of using a car will save those harmful carbon emissions which are a major contributor to global climate change.

But swapping the car for your walking shoes has other benefits as well. People of all ages and all fitness levels who can regularly fit more of this free activity into their daily lives get following advantages

1. Walking can improve your mood

Walking can definitely help your mental health. Walking with a friend can be fun!

Seriously though. studies show that for all ages - from kids to adults - walking can help reduce anxiety, depression, and a negative mood. It improves self-perception and self-esteem, mood and sleep quality, and it reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue. Physically active people have up to a 30% reduced risk of becoming depressed, and staying active helps those who are depressed recover.

2. Walking in nature helps you connect to the natural world

If you can take a walk in nature you can slow down and connect to the environment around you. Look at leaves and flowers and breath in the aroma of forests and fields. Listen for birds, butterflies, and animals and try to appreciate the world around you.  Even have some fun splashing in puddles.

This will helps you realise the importance of our natural environment and you are more likely to want to protect it.

3. Walking may help you think creatively 

Walking may help clear your head and help you think creatively.

Researchers have found that people who were walking, particularly while walking outdoors, came up with more ideas than people sitting down. They concluded that walking opens up a free flow of ideas and is a simple way to increase creativity and get physical activity at the same time. So, if you are stuck on a problem, get up and go for a quick walk. You may come back with a genius idea!

4. Walking boosts the immune function

We all need a good immune system to fight viruses such as colds and flus that are around us every day.

Some researchers have found that people who walked at a moderate pace for 30-45 minutes a day had less sick days in a year and less upper respiratory tract infections – that is less colds and flus. That is good!

5. Walking strengthens your heart

As you are walking, your heart has to work just a little bit harder to get blood flowing to your muscles, and this is good exercise for your heart. It needs that exercise just like the muscles in your legs and arms do. According to the National Institute of Health, walking for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week will reduce a person’s risk of heart disease by about 20%. That means less likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.

6. Walking strengthens your joints

The gentle exercise that walking gives your knee and hip joints means that they are better lubricated and the muscles that hold the joints together are stronger. This means less likelihood of joint pain, and joint injuries when taking part in other sports (such as running, football and skiing).

7. Walking  burns calories

Depending on how fast you walk and the distance you cover, you will burn calories. The faster you walk and the more steps you take, the more calories you will burn.  You can integrate this into a weight loss plan, or just do a little bit of regular exercise to maintain your weight.